About Oxonica


The Board of Directors

The Company is controlled by the Board of Directors, which meets regularly and has a formal schedule of matters referred to it for decision.

These include formulating the Group’s corporate strategy; monitoring financial performance; approval of major items of capital expenditure; share capital issues; governance issues; treasury and risk management policies and executive appointments. Prior to each meeting the Board is provided with appropriate strategic and financial information, including management accounts, together with monthly reports to enable it to monitor the performance of the Group.

Annual budgets are approved by the Board. Operational control is delegated by the Board to the Chief Executive.

All directors have direct access to the advice and the services of the Company Secretary and can take independent advice, if necessary, at the Company’s expense.

Richard Farleigh B Comm (First-class)


Richard worked at Australia’s central bank and then pursued a career in finance, including designing derivatives, proprietary trading and hedge fund management. He then established himself as an investor in early stage businesses in emerging companies and was a founder investor in Oxonica when it was spun-out from the University of Oxford in 1999. Other companies in which he has invested include Wolfson Microelectronics, Cmed Group, Net-A-Porter, Perachem, Reggae Reggae Sauce, Innovative Physics, Benevolent AI, Adarga, and the Home House members club in London. He has also served as a panellist on BBC 2’s popular business show, Dragon’s Den.

Graham Shaw

Chief Executive Officer

Graham graduated from the University of London and has spent his career working in high-technology businesses in the finance, graphic arts and security sectors. More recently Graham was Managing Director of EnSeal Systems Limited, which developed a unique technology for the security of financial documents and cheques. The company was later sold to Fiserv Corp.

Graham is a director of Signum Technologies Ltd., Sol Technologies Ltd. and RGWP Ltd. and also sits on the Board of numerous companies which form part of the solar energy portfolio of Foresight Group LLP.